Hello and Welcome!

Red House Books is going through a bit of a update!

I've always had a pretty clear vision of what I wanted this space to be but I've been detoured from my path by...lots and lost of other people's opinions and ways of doing things...

I'm committed to this little chunk of the interweb but I've also branched out into other places so! Now it's time to think of Red House Books as more of a hub of all things me! And Me is a hell of a lot of book love!

Stay tuned!


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Short Story Snippets - it's New!!

I'm starting my first meme!
I've named it Short Story Snippets.
Basically, every week (probably on Saturday but really, any day) I will post thoughts on short stories. Since it'll be hard not to give the whole story away - these descriptions will be in a slightly poetic and lyrical style instead of a straight forward synopsis or review. Please keep in mind...I'm a horrible writer! But! I thought this would fun - what do you think?
I've been inspired by the many short story anthologies out there by some great YA and Adult Fantasy and Sci fi writers.
Short stories are the perfect way to gobble up more of your favorite author or discover someone new.
Both YA and Adult genres will be included and clearly labeled.
Feel free to post your own Short Story Snippet posts! Please include a link back to this post if you do and leave me a comment so I can check it out.
I hope you all enjoy!

Short Story: Sleeping With The Spirit
Author: Laurie Faria Stolarz
Anthology: Love is Hell
Age: Teen, YA
page count: 51
New girl. New House. Old Ghost.
Mystery + Unfinished Business = Romance and Sweet Dreams

Short Story: Lungewater
Author: Joan Aiken
Anthology: Gothic! Ten Original Dark Tales
Age: 14 and up
page count: 19

English countryside with a not so hidden ghost. Would you listen to the story? Follow along - the ending will take you back to the beginning.

Short Story: Huntress
Author: Tamora Pierce
Anthology: Firebirds Rising
Age: YA
page count: 26

Running away from a family tradition. Lions and Lionesses will always give chase. "Felix soaked up light in the halls and gave it off again" but there is no light in the park at night.
Salvation will come from an unexpected source and no amount of running can change a thing.

I had a ton of fun working on this post - and reading some great short stories. What do you guys think? Please be honest! :)


  1. Ooh I like this. A very interesting meme. Short stories like these are sometimes under appreciated.

  2. I like this idea a lot! I probably won't do it because I don;t want to read the short stories every week but I like it! It's fun.


Thanks a bunch for visiting :)